Vulkania Seeds
Written by S.T.Oner, Cannabis Sativa vol.1
70% Sativa / 30% Indica
Genetics: NYC Diesel x Unknown Strain
Flowering: 65 days
THC: 23%
You’d be forgiven for thinking that this Spanish seed company is the newest enterprise of Dr. Spock – and for all I know, it is. But even if the Vulkania office doesn’t employ Bones and Captain Kirk, it’s still impressive on many levels, as the Canary Islands based company is consistently bringing out innovative new strains that combine popular varieties with new genetics. One of these is V2.0, a cross between New York City Diesel and an unknown strain that might just be from another galaxy. V2.0 is a fantastic sativa-dominant hybrid whose name still sounds distinctly Trekky to me. The plot thickens.
NYC Diesel is a U.S. strain that comprises a whole host of great genetics, from ChemDawg to Hawaiian and Afghani, and is a proven winner and a great choice for any breeding stock. By combining this with their own secret strain, Vulkania have created a 70/30 sativa/indica hybrid with all the vigor you’d expect from such a union and a strong sativa effect in the smoke. The NYC Diesel’s relatively short stature keeps this strain from growing too tall, but it will need some tough love in the later stages of the vegetative phase if you don’t want a 6-foot monster on your hands. It is much more suited to outdoor grows then indoor ones and will thank you for the extra space it can enjoy when planted out in the fresh air.
If you’re lucky enough to have a safe and secure grow space outside that’s out of the view of police or prying potheads, you can plant V2.0 in April and be harvesting in September with a sizeable yield. It’s important to note that this strain needs a growth time of 3 weeks and a pre-flowering period of 14 days before it can be flipped into flower. By the end of the flowering stage your plants will start to look as if they’re hatching little alien babies, as the buds express foxtailing traits, which is also known as crowning. This makes the nugs look like they’ve got lots of little feelers out probing for, well, whatever aliens probe for, but in fact this means that your crop is getting ready to be harvested. When the trichomes are fully loaded and start to turn amber, around 65 days after flowering starts, it’s time to beam them up, Scotty – or rather, chop them down, Buddy.
It’s hard to bring yourself to smoke up such cool looking buds, but you’ll soon get over that and indeed over everything, as V2.0 will take you flying high over all your previous reality and almost into the stratosphere, This one is a hard hitter, so it won’t take long before you’re totally spaced out, exploring the final frontier.