CH9 Jack 33
CH9 Seeds
Sativa 60 / Indica 40
Origins: CH9 Jack x CH9 Flower feminized pollen
Flowering: 60-65 days
CH9 Jack 33 was developed with the goal of combining potency and vigor in a plant that, when smoked, would not lead to high tolerance for the medical or routine user. This feminized strain comes from a cross of a Dutch CH9 Jack mother with female pollen from the CH9 Flower strain. The CH9 Jack was a multiple-hybrid of mixed origin. The result is a soaring happy perma-grin pot with a high threshold for regular use.
CH9 Jack 33 was intended for indoor gardens, although balmy climates with a long grow season will also allow this strain to move into the great outdoors and still finish by mid-October. This weed strain is particularly happy when grown with organics. Maximum yields for outdoor plants can be achieved by germinating this plant indoors in February or March and then transplanting outdoors when the weather becomes friendly enough not to jeopardize the plants.
Genetically speaking, these plants slightly favor sativa, but their structure and effects would lead one to overestimate the sativa makeup. The CH9 Jack 33 plant takes on the traditional Christmas tree shape and has thin leaves that fade from dark to light green as the plants ripen. The solid, symmetrical branching and good internodal spacing make this a congenial plant to clone. Clones root well and begin vegetating quickly. On average, these plants reach 6 feet (2 meters) in height at maturity. The buds shine with frost over a medium-dense dark green bud with conspicuous orange hairs. This strain develops a distinctly musky smell as plants reach maturity.
CH9 Jack 33 has a sweet spicy grape aroma with haze undertones, and a clean refreshing feeling in the mouth. The high may bring out your inner hippie or optimistic side, with its expansive and uplifting philosophical effect. It is a strain that can be used to intensify happiness, foster meditation, and inspire creative impulses without sapping the energy needed to act upon them. Given its functional and long-lasting effect, it also has potential use a a medicinal for many conditions that don’t rely on the heavier indica qualities to provide relief. The CH9 Jack 33 brings easy laughter, and the mild sense of amazement that psychedelics often induce as they take effect.