Big Band
Written by S.T.Oner, Cannabis Sativa vol.1
75% Indica / 25% Sativa
Genetics: Black Domina x Bubblegum x Chronic
Flowering: 55-60 days
Harvest: late September
Yield: 500 gr/m2
THC: 15%
Spain’s Kannabia Seeds are an energetic company forever bettering their product by stabilizing their existing strains and offering more new ones to the market. By crossing a special Bubble Gum plant with Black Domina and California Chronic, the guys and girls at Kannabia have produced a hybrid that delivers a wicked buzz with a mouthwatering taste.
A definite indoor strain, Big Band is one of those plants that anyone can grow, from beginners to the experts and everyone else in between. The plants will form a large central cola but are resistant to changes of temperature and humidity, meaning that you’re unlikely to lose any of those gorgeous buds to mold. She is unfussy and doesn’t require a lot of attention, so as long as you keep her well fed and under good light, you should enjoy a fairly heavy harvest after an 8 week flowering period.
For such an easy growing strain, Big Band is a very interesting smoke; the explosion of the Bubble Gum sweetness gives way to a menthol tang, brought on by the California Chronic genetics. While you’re reveling in this, the high will sneak up behind you and refuse to leave you alone for the next few hours, so you might as well make friends with it and enjoy each other’s company.