Water Hash with 15 Bags
Marijuana Horticulture
by Jorge Cervantes
The guys at T.H. Seeds in Amsterdam, Holland, are expert hash makers. They taught and inspired my god friend Mono to strive to make the absolute best possible hash. Mono uses bags from several manufacturers to separate more and different grades of hash. Mon uses 15 different bags and extracts more resin than anybody else! Mono’s work is so impressive that we decided to profile his extraction process here.
More wet sieves separate more and different qualities of cannabis resin. Resin heads are different sizes. They fall through different size pores in a sieve. You can separate different sizes of resin glands with different size wet or dry sieves.
Separate hash with progressively smaller sieves so smaller screens do not clog with wet hash.
Mono has a full array of separating bags from several manufacturers. His laboratory is setup in the bathroom, with the tub the center of attention. He keeps the laboratory clean with a shower head attached to a flexible hose. Here is the array of bags he uses t separate the trash from the hash.
The work bag is the one that contains the bulk of the processed resin-less leaf. The work bag is usually drained and set aside so the debris inside can be discarded at will.
Mono likes bags with rigid sides. They perform better because they retain their shape inside the bucket and are easier t use when only one person is making water hash.
The process is done in two steps. First, he washes and separates the resin glands from the marijuana foliage using six screens. This process washes out virtually all of the foliage and contaminants.
The hash-laden water that is left over after passing through six bags is separated again by running through six bags is separated again by running it through eight more bags. The resulting hash is very clean.