Marijuana Horticulture
by Jorge Cervantes
Viruses are still a mystery. They act like living organisms in some instances and nonliving chemicals on other cases. They must enter marijuana plants via wounds. Once a virus takes over plant cells, it is able to multiply. Viruses are spread by insects, mites, plants, animals, and human vectors. Aphids and whiteflies are the worst. Infected tools also transport viruses from one plant to another. Typical symptoms of viral infection are: sickly growth, leaf and stem spots, yellowing, and low yields. Viral diseases move into the plant’s fluid distribution system and destroy it, which often causes leaf spots and mottling. A virus can completely take over a plant in a few days. Once a plant gets a virus, there’s little you can do.
Always use fresh, sterile growing medium. Disinfect tools before cutting foliage and different plants. Destroy all plants infected with virus.
No chemical sprays are effective against viruses.