Vertical Reflective Hoods
Marijuana Horticulture
by Jorge Cervantes
Reflectors with vertical lamps are less efficient than horizontal ones. Like horizontal bulbs, vertically mounted bulbs emit light from the sides of the arc tube. This light must strike the side of the hood before it is reflected downward to the plants. Reflected light is always less intense than original light. Light travels farther before being reflected in parabolic or cone reflective hoods. Direct light is more intense and more efficient.
Parabolic dome reflectors offer the best value for vertical reflectors. They reflect light relatively evenly, though they throw less overall light than horizontal reflectors. large parabolic dome hoods distribute light evenly and reflect enough light to sustain vegetative growth. The light spreads out under the hood and is reflected downward t plants. Popular parabolic hoods are inexpensive t manufacture and provide a good light value for the money. Four foot parabolic hoods are usually manufactured in nine parts. The smaller size facilitates shipping and handling. The customer assembles the hood with small screws and nuts.
Four-foot cone hoods are usually manufactured in four parts. The smaller size facilitates shipping and handling. The customer assembles the pieces with small screws and nuts. Cone shaped reflectors use a vertical bulb waste light and are very inefficient. Growers who try to save money by purchasing cone-shaped reflectors pay even more in lost efficiency.
Lightweight reflective hoods with pen ends dissipate heat quickly. Extra air flows directly through the hood and around the bulb in open end fixtures to cool the bulb and the fixture. Aluminum dissipates heat more quickly than steel. Train a fan on reflective hoods to speed heat loss.
Artificial light fades as it travels from its source (the bulb). The closer you put the reflector to the bulb, the more intense the light it reflects.
Enclosed hoods with a glass shield covering the bulb operate at higher temperatures. The glass shield is a barrier between plants and the hot bulb. Enclosed hoods must have enough vents; otherwise heat build up in the fixture causes bulbs to burn out prematurely. Many of these enclosed fixtures have a special vent fan to evacuate hot air.