Marijuana Horticulture
by Jorge Cervantes
A timer is an inexpensive investment that turns lights and other appliances on and off at regular intervals. using a timer ensures that your garden will receive a controlled light period of the same duration every day.
Purchase a heavy duty grounded timer with an adequate amperage and tungsten rating to meet your needs. Some timers have a different amperage rating for the switch; it is often lower than that of the timer. Timers that control more than one lamp are more expensive because they require the entire force of electricity to pass through them. many pre-wired timers are available at stores that sell HID lights.
How many lights (total watts) will the timer handle? If you are running more than 2000 or 3000 watts, you may want to attach the lamps to a relay, and control the relay with a timer. The advantage of a relay is that it offers a path for more electricity without having to change the timer. There are numerous sophisticated timers on the market that will solve every last need you have.