Terrace Growing
Marijuana Horticulture
by Jorge Cervantes
Growing in containers on a terrace, balcony, or roof is very rewarding. A small sunny location, good genetics, containers, and good soil are the basic needs.
Your gardening techniques will depend on location of the grow show. City building rooftops, terraces, and balconies tend to be windy. The higher the garden, the more wind. Wind dries plants quickly.
Patio gardens are most often protected from strong winds and strong sunlight.
An automatic watering system is often a good idea in such gardens to ensure they receive adequate water, especially if you are gone for a few days.
Pots will also need to be shaded from sunlight. Ht sun beating down on pots cooks plant roots.
Even with adequate security, the standard issues of water, soil, and fertilizer apply. For a successful crop, daily maintenance is essential during hot and windy weather.