Synthetic Pyrethroids
Marijuana Horticulture
by Jorge Cervantes
Ingredients – Synthetic pyrethroids such as permethrin and cypermethrin act as broad-spectrum, nonselective contact insecticides and miticides. There are more than 30 synthetic pyrenthroids available in different formulations. Deltamethrin is available in different formulations. Deltamethrin is available as a sticky paint that is used as a trap when applied to stems and colored objects. Other pyrethroids include Allethrin, cyflutrin, fenprpathin, phenothrin, sumithrin, resmitherin, and telfuthrin.
Controls – Aphids, whiteflies, thrips, beetles, cockroaches, caterpillars, and spider mites. Many insects and mites are resistant to pyrethroids.
Caution – Nonselective pyrethroids kill all insects and mites including beneficials and bees.
Mixing – Follow directions on container.
Application – Follow directions on container.
Persistence – Breaks down in one to three days. Newer pyrethroids, such as Permethrin, stay active the longest.
Forms – Powder, liquid, aerosol.
Toxicity – Toxic to all insects. It is somewhat toxic to mammals.
Safety – Wear a mask and protective clothing when applying sprays or breathing in any form of pyrethrum, especially aerosols. Aerosols contain toxic PBO and MGK 4646 – possible carcinogens – which are easily inhaled.