Marijuana Horticulture
by Jorge Cervantes
Ingredients -This alkaloid pesticide is made from the seeds of a tropical lily, Schoenocaulon officinale, native to Central and South America, and a European hellebore, Veratum album.
Controls – A contact and stomach poison, this centuries old poison controls aphids, beetles, cabbage loopers, chinch bugs, grasshoppers, and squash bugs.
Caution – Very toxic to honeybees and moderately toxic to mammals!
Mixing – Follow directions on package.
Application – Most potent when applied at 75-80F. Follow directions on package.
Persistence – Two or three days.
Forms – Powder, liquid.
Toxicity – Somewhat toxic to mammals, toxic to honeybees.
Safety – Wear a mask, gloves, and safety glasses, and cover exposed skin and hair. Avoid skin, eye, ear, and nose contact. Irritates eyes and nose.