Marijuana Horticulture
by Jorge Cervantes
Ingredients – Rotenone is an extract of roots of several plants including Derris species, Lnchcarpus species, and Tephrosia species. This poison is a nonselective contact insecticide, stomach poison, and slow acting nerve poison.
Controls – Nonselective control of beetles, caterpillars, flies, mosquitos, thrips, weevils, and beneficial insects, but death is slow. According to Hemp Diseases and Pests, target insects can consume up to 30 times their lethal dose before dying!
Caution – Kills beneficials. New evidence indicates roteone may be toxic to people and may cause Parkinson’s disease. Use only as a last resort!
Mixing – Follow directions on the package.
Application – Follow directions on the package.
Persistence – Breaks down in three to ten days.
Forms – Powder, wettable powder, liquid.
Toxicity – The effect on mammals is undetermined. Chronic exposure may cause Parkinson’s. It is toxic to birds, fish, and beneficials.
Safety – Wear a mask and gloves. Cover exposed skin and hair. Avoid skin contact.