Pre-Soaking Seeds in Water
Marijuana Horticulture
by Jorge Cervantes
Soak seeds overnight in a glass of water. make sure seeds get good and wet so growth is activated. Do not let seeds soak more than 24 hours, or they might get too wet, suffer oxygen deprivation, and rot. Once soaked, seeds are ready to be placed between moist paper towels to sprout or be planted in a rt cube or fine, light soilless mix.
In a warm location, (70-90F), place seeds in a moist paper towel or cheesecloth, making sure they are in darkness. Set the mist cloth or paper towel in a vertical position (so tap root grows down) on a grate (for drainage) on a dinner plate.
Water the cloth daily, and keep it moist. Let excess water drain away freely. The cloth will retain enough moisture to germinate the seed in a few days. The seed contains an adequate food supply for germination. Prevent fungal attacks by watering with a mild two-percent bleach or fungicide solution. once seeds have sprouted and the white sprout is visible, carefully pick up the fragile sprouts (with tweezers) and plant them. Take care not to expose the tender rootlet to prolonged intense light or air. Cover the germinated seed with 0.25-0.5-inch of fine planting medium with the white root tip pointing down.