Nicotine and Tobacco Sprays
Marijuana Horticulture
by Jorge Cervantes
Ingredients – Nicotine is a nonpersistent pesticide derived from tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum. It is a stomach poison, contact poison, and respiratory poison. This very poisonous compound affects the neuromuscular system, causing pests to go into convulsions and die. Nicotine sulfate is the most common form.
Caution – Do not swallow any if this vile poison, and avoid skin contact. Do not use around nightshade family – eggplants, tomatoes, peppers and potatoes – because they may contract Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) from exposure to tobacco-based substances.
Controls – Sucking and chewing insects.
Mixing – Use a spreader-sticker.
Application – Seldom phytotoxic when used as directed. Combine with insecticidal soap to increase killing ability.
Persistence – One week to ten days.
Forms – Liquid.
Toxicity – Although naturally derived, nicotine is very toxic to most insects (including beneficials), honeybees, fish, and humans. If concentrate is ingested or built up over years, humans may develop lung cancer and other cancers.
Safety – Wear a mask and gloves; avoid skin and eye contact.