Marijuana Horticulture
by Jorge Cervantes
Micronutrients, also called trace elements or trace nutrients, are essential to chlorophyll formation and must be present in minute amounts. They function mainly as catalyst to the plant’s process and utilization of other elements. For best results, and to ensure a complete range of trace elements is available, use fertilizers designed for hydroponics. High quality hydroponic fertilizers use food-grade ingredients that are completely soluble and leave no residues.
If using an inexpensive fertilizer tat does not list specific analysis for each trace element on the label, it’s a good idea to add soluble trace elements in a chelated form. Chelated micronutrients are available in powdered and liquid form. Add and thoroughly mix micronutrients into the growing medium before planting. Micronutrients are are often impregnated in commercial potting sis and soilless mixes. Check the ingredients n the bag to ensure that the trace elements were added to the mix. Trace elements are necessary in minute amounts but can easily reach toxic levels. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions to the letter when applying micronutrients, because they are easy to over-apply.