Lumen Maintenance and Life
Marijuana Horticulture
by Jorge Cervantes
The average life of a halide is about 12,000 hours, almost two years of daily operation at 18 hours per day. Many will last even longer. The amp reaches the end of its life when it fails to start or come up to full brilliance. This is usually caused by deterioration of lamp electrodes over time, loss of transmission of the arc tube from blackening, or shifts in the chemical balance of the metals in the arc tube.
Do not wait until the bulb is burned out before changing it. An old bulb is inefficient and costly. Replace bulbs every 10-12 months or 5000 hours. Electrode deterioration is greatest during start up. Bulbs are cheap! Throw another one in, and you will be happy!
The halide may produce a stroboscopic (flashing) effect. The light will appear bright, then dim, bright, dim, etc. This flashing is the result of the arc being extinguished 120 times every second. Illumination usually remains constant, but it may pulsate a little. This is normal and nothing to worry about.