Homemade Pest and Disease Sprays
Marijuana Horticulture
by Jorge Cervantes
Ingredients – A strong, hot taste, smelly odor, and a desiccating powder or liquid are the main ingredients in home brewed pesticide and fungicide potions.
Controls – Homemade sprays discourage and control pests including aphids, thrips, spider mites, scale, and many others.
Caution – be careful when testing a new spray. Apply it to a single pant and wait for a few days to learn the outcome before applying to all plants.
Mixing – Make spray concentrates by mixing repellent substances with a little water in a blender. Strain the resulting slurry concentrate through a nylon stocking or a fine cheesecloth before being diluted with water for application.
Application – Spray foliage until it drips from both sides of leaves.
Persistence – A few days.
Forms – Liquid.
Toxicity – Usually not toxic to humans in dosage lethal to pests.
Safety – Wear a mask and gloves, and cover skin and hair. Avid contact with eyes, nose, lips, and ears.