Filial Breeding
Marijuana Horticulture
by Jorge Cervantes
A type of breeding system where siblings of the same progeny lot and generation are intermated to produce new generations. The first hybrid generation of two distinct true-breeding lines is denoted the F1 generation (F, filial). If two F1 siblings are bred, or the F1 population is allowed to be pen pollinated, the resulting generation is labeled F2.
Mating siblings chosen from the F2, results in the F3 population. F4, F5, F6 generations, etc., are obtained in the same manner, by crossing plants of the same generation and progeny lot. Note that as long as any number of siblings of a generation (F[n]) are mated, the resulting generations is denoted (F[n+1]).
Filial inbreeding with selection for specific traits is the most common method for establishing a pure or a true-breeding population, when breeding cross-pollinated species such as cannabis.