Drought Growing
Marijuana Horticulture
by Jorge Cervantes
If you do not have access to a water source, dry land crops are possible if the area gets at least one good rain every one to four weeks. In general, sativa strains have a bigger rot system than indica strains and are more drought resistant.
Plants pull water and nutrients from the soil. Acceptable soil will hold one inch of water per one square foot of area and grow a plant seven too eight feet tall with roots five feet across and six feet deep. Insufficient water results in small buds. A five-foot plant may produce only one to six ounces of smokable bud. By contrast, a plant in god soil with ample water will be more robust and yield two too ten times more than those in poor soil, making attention to soil and water quality essential.
An easy, inexpensive way to feed and water your plants is to cut a 3/16-inch hole in the bottom of a five-gallon bucket and fill with water and water soluble fertilizer. Place one bucket by each plant with the hole oriented near the stem. Buckets should be refilled every ten days during the hottest weather. You will be able to get through the summer with as few as four to six buckets of water. This is very inexpensive and the extra water and nutrients will really pay off when it is time to harvest.