Marijuana Horticulture
by Jorge Cervantes
Container preference is often a matter of convenience, cost, and availability. but the size, shape, and color of a container can affect the size and the health of a plant as well as the versatility of the garden. Containers come in all shapes and sizes and can be constructed of almost anything – clay, metal, plastic, wood, and wood fiber are the most common.
Cannabis will grow in any clean container that that has not been used for petroleum products of deadly chemicals. Clay fiber and wood containers breather better than plastic or metal pots. heavy clay pots are brittle and absorb moisture from the soil inside, causing the soil to dry out quickly. Metal pots are also impractical for grow rooms because they oxidize (rust) and can bleed off harmful elements and compounds. Wood, although somewhat expensive, makes some of the best containers, especially large raised beds and planters on wheels. Plastic containers are inexpensive, durable, and offer the best value to indoor growers.
Rigid plastic pots are the most commonly used containers in grow rooms. Growing in inexpensive, readily available containers is brilliant because they allow each plant to be cared for individually. You can control each plant’s specific water and nutrient regimen. Individual potted plants can also be moved. Turn pots every few days, so plants receive even lighting and foliage will grow evenly. Huddle small, containerized plants tightly together under the brightest area below the HID lamp, and move them further apart as they grow. Set small plants up on blocks to move them closer to the HID. Individual plants are easily quarantined or dipped in a medicinal solution. Weak, sick, and problem plants are easy to cull from the garden.
Grow bags are one of my favorite containers. Inexpensive, long lasting grow bags take up little space and are lightweight. A box f 100 3-gallon bags weighs less than 5 pounds and measures less than a foot square.
Grow bags are very easy to wash and reuse. Empty out the soilless mix and submerge bags in a big container of soapy water overnight. Wash each one by hand the next day and fill with soil. I like them much better than rigid pots because they are so practical.
The potting soil sack can be used as a container. The moist soil inside the bag holds its shape well, and the bags expand and contract with the soil, lessening the chance of burned root tips that grow down the side of pots.
Fiber and paper-pulp pots are popular with growers who move their plants outdoors. The bottoms of the pots habitually rot out. Painting the inside of the fiber container with latex paint will keep the bottom from rotting for several crops.
Set large pots n blocks or casters to allow air circulation underneath. The soil stays warmer and maintenance is easier. Planters should be as big as possible but still allow easy access t plants. The rots have more room to grow and less container surface for roots to run into and grow down. With large pots, roots are able to intertwine and grow like crazy.
Grow beds can be installed right on the earthen floor of a garage or basement. If drainage is poor, a layer of gravel or a dry well can be made under the bed. Some growers use a jackhammer to remove the concrete floor in the basement to get better drainage. An easier option is to cut a hole in the basement floor and install a dry well. Knocking holes in basement floors could cause water seepage, where water tables are high. When it rains, the water may collect underneath; the garden seldom needs watering, but plants are kept too wet.
A raised bed with a large soil mass can be built up organically after several crops. To hasten organic activity within the soil, add organic seaweed, manure, and additives. When mixing soil or adding amendments, use the best possible organic components and follow organic principles. There should be good drainage and the soil should be as deep as possible, 12-24 inches.
At the Cannabis College in Amsterdam, Netherlands, they are growing in large soil beds set on a concrete floor. The basement beds are below sea level and filled with outstanding Dutch cannabis. They are able to treat the beds similar to outdoor soil beds, but when watered heavily, water runs out on the floor and it must be mopped up. They also have a problem with ventilation. The ambient climate is naturally humid and the extra water in the large basement increases humidity to above 90 percent, day and night. They employ a large extraction fan and a relatively small intake fan. Air is pulled through the long narrow basement room quickly and efficiently to evacuate moisture and lower the humidity. Even with this much soil, they have to flush individual beds at least once every four weeks to avoid nutrient buildup. Much heat can be generated by decomposing organic matter, and it warms the room. Ventilation lowers heat, but it is a lot of work to replicate the great outdoors. Most organic growers opt for organic liquid fertilizers and a bagged commercial organic soil mix.
Another drawback to raised beds is that the crop will take a few days longer to mature than if it were grown in containers. But the longer wait is offset by a larger harvest.