Calendar and Checklist
Marijuana Horticulture
by Jorge Cervantes
A calendar helps growers know what to do and when to prepare t do it. A checklist add necessary routine to the process. The calendar outlines the average three-month life cycle of clones. It notes major points of interest during each stage in life. The weekly checklist consists of a few things that must be done every week to ensure a successful crop.
Savvy growers read and consider each and every point on the calendar weekly. They mark each point with a check when finished with it.
Growers should spend at least 10 minutes per day, per lamp, to have a productive garden. This is enough time to complete all the stuff on the weekly calendar. Much of gardening is simply watching and paying attention, but it takes time to have a decent productive garden. If using CO2 enrichment, or hydroponics, allow 20 minutes per day for maintenance.
Large chunks of time will be spent setting up the grow room and harvesting. These are not included in the 10-20 minute daily schedule.