Marijuana Horticulture
by Jorge Cervantes
Blight is a general term that describes many plant diseases which are caused by fungus, most often a few weeks before harvest. Signs of bight include dark, blotchy spots on foliage, slow growth, sudden yellowing, wilting, and plant death. Most blights spread quickly through large areas of plants.
Cleanliness! Use fresh, sterile growing medium. Avoid excess nitrogen fertilization. Avoid blights by keeping plants healthy with the proper nutrient balance and good drainage t prevent nutrient buildup.
Use Serenade (Bacillus subtilis) against Brown Bloght. Use Binab, Bio-Fungus, RootShield, Supresivit, Trichpel, or SoilGuard. Use a Bordeaux mixture to stop fungal blights. Stopping blights in advanced stages is difficult; the best solution is to remove diseased plants and destroy them.