Before Harvest
Marijuana Horticulture
by Jorge Cervantes
Fragrance is often a problem before, during, and after harvest. Control fragrance by keeping drying and manicuring room well-vented. If possible, allow plenty of fresh circulating air to pass thru the drying room to remove odors quickly. If air in and around drying and manicuring room is stagnant, odors linger and accumulate. Keep temperatures below 70F so essential oils in cannabis do not volatize and and release pleasant but unwanted fragrances. Contain cannabis fragrance in sealed drying and manicuring rooms. Filter air before expelling with a carbon filter.
Avoid the taste of organic or chemical fertilizers in harvested buds by flushing with plain water or a clearing solution to remove any residuals and chemicals that have built up in soil or plant foliage. Ten to fourteen days before harvesting, flush the garden with distilled water or water treated with reverse osmosis. Use a clearing solution such as Final Flush if you have to use plain tap water that contains dissolved solids. Some growers fertilize until three to fur days before harvest and use a clearing solution to remove fertilizer residues. Apply this water just as you would apply nutrient solution. Always let at least ten percent, preferably more, drain out the bottom of containers. If using recirculating hydroponic system, change the water after the first four to six days f application. Continue to top off the reservoir with “clean” water.
Do not water for one or two days before harvest. The soil should be fairly dry, but not dry enough that plants wilt. This will speed drying time by a day or more and not affect the quality of the end product.