Baking Soda and Vinegar
Marijuana Horticulture
by Jorge Cervantes
Consider using vinegar and baking soda to produce CO2 in a small grow room. This method eliminates excess heat and water vapor production and requires only household items. Create a system that drips vinegar (acetic acid) into a bed of baking soda. The main disadvantage of this system is the erratic level of CO2 produced.
It takes a considerable amount f time for the CO2 to build up to a level where it helps plants. However, once it reaches an optimum level, it can contribute to rise until it reaches levels detrimental to plants. If you have time to experiment, it is possible to setup a drip system operated by a solenoid valve and a short term timer. With such a system, CO2 could be released periodically in small increments and coordinated with ventilation schedules.