Marijuana Horticulture
by Jorge Cervantes
Ingredients – Abamectin derivatives include emamectin and milbemectin. Does not bioaccumulate. Used extensively on hops; abamectin is not truly systemic. It is absorbed from the exterior of foliage to other leaf parts, especially young leaves, in the process of transaminar activity.
Controls – Russet and spider mites, fire ants, leaf miners, and nematodes.
Mixing – Dilute in water. Mix 0.25 teaspoon per gallon. Use a wetting agent.
Application – Spray. Works best when temperature is above 70F. Repeat applications every seven to ten days.
Persistence – One day.
Forms – Liquid.
Toxicity – Toxic to mammals, fish, and honeybees in high concentrations. Sucking insects are subject to control while beneficials are not hurt.
Safety – Wear gloves, mask, and safety glasses..