by Jorge Cervantes
At harvest all plant growth and THC production stop. THC content cannot increase after harvest. In fact, it can only decline. Slow THC decomposition by keeping harvested buds out of extended exposure to light and warm temperatures (above 75F); jostling and bruising from handling; and damp, humid environments.
Mind-bending psychoactive THC (tetrahydrocannibiol) is located in the leaves, flower buds, and stalked glandular trichomes. The majority of THC is found on female (sinsemilla) plants in the resin glands or trichomes on flower tops. Stalked trichomes look like a small post with a ball on top. These trichomes develop most heavily on buds and small leaves. THC is most concentrated where the stalk meets the ball of the resin gland.
Large female leaves and male plants contain fewer resin glands and much less mind-altering THC. The THC content found in stems and rots is virtually nonexistent. Male plants, stems, and large leaves hold low levels of THC and are most efficiently used to make hash, concentrated resin.