by Greg Green
Predators and pests
Predators and pests will always be a problem. Here are some Predators and Pests that you may encounter during your grow. Along with their names we have also explained how to get rid of the unwanted pest.
Also it must be said that a cat for a garden grow is the #1 defense system against most small predators, but an indoor cat will bring unwanted pests into the house! You can not have the best of both worlds. Cats also like to play with indoor plant so be very careful with your plants and pets!
Only use repellents and pesticides that are clearly marked for FOOD PRODUCTS USE on the label. If it is NOT FOR FOOD PRODUCT USE then DO NOT USE IT WITH YOUR PLANTS!!! You are going to be smoking your plants later. You do not want to end up in a hospital because of smoking poisoned bud. If it is safe for FOOD PRODUCTUSE then it will be safe to smoke. Read the products instructions clearly and carefully. Do not take short cuts. Do exactly as it says on the label.