CBD oil could be the solution for your sleepless nights

Many people suffer from sleep deprivation for different individual reasons. In a study, 12,778
French filled questionnaires to establish the prevalence of insomnia. Seventy-three percent
reported having sleepless nights.
Sleep is an essential physiological process, and its loss leads to severe conditions like
hypertension, diabetes, cardiac arrest, low sex drive, depression, impaired immunity, and
obesity. Therefore, it is critical to get a quality and adequate respite and to achieve that, you
have to establish and root out the cause of your insomnia.
Several elements ingress sleeplessness, with most of them being lifestyle-related. Other causes
include an unhygienic sleeping environment, job obligations, sleep disorders, ailments,
medications, and normal physiological processes like pregnancy.
So, to cure your insomnia, you must first find the root cause then find an appropriate remedy
for it. If the root cause is psychological, you might consider light or cognitive behavior therapy,
but most people opt for sedatives, antihistamines, and antidepressants.
CBD oil from Organic CBD Nugs (click here to visit their official website) can offer a natural and
effective solution to cure insomnia and evade side effects linked to synthetic medications. Here
are some of the ways CBD helps stabilize your respite.
Cure for REM Sleep Behavior Disorders (RBD)
Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder is when one acts out displeasing dreams
with sounds and body motions while sleeping. The causes of RBD are generally unidentified,
though studies link it to alcohol or sedative-hypnotic withdrawal and antidepressants.
Using CBD oil to improve the quality of sleep is a growing trend due to its effectiveness. CBD oil
can induce sleep and stabilize the mental state to cure RBD. Therefore using CBD oil sublingual,
oral, or mixing it with food might help you regain your regular sleep cycles.
In a study with adult male Wistar rats, administration of CBD increased the general percentage
of sleep and REM sleep latency resulting from different dosages of CBD ranging from 10 mg to
40 mg per kg. Thus, the dose should also be a consideration when using CBD oil.
Manage Anxiety and Depression
Cortisol levels usually peak in the morning, but these levels are high throughout when one is
under stress and depression. Constantly high cortisol levels may worsen depressive state, and
adverse physical and psychological complications may result.
CBD interacts with adrenal receptors to regulate cortisol secretion; thus, the feeling of worry
and apprehension that comes with high cortisol levels disappears with CBD use.
In addition, CBD undergoes metabolism in the liver to produce chemicals that modulate
serotonin receptors. Serotonin is the primary mood hormone; when the levels in the blood rise,
feelings of ecstasy kick in, and one feels excited and optimistic.
For those who use broad-spectrum CBD, the low THC levels may have euphoric effects that help
in elevating mood and boosting confidence. These effects occur without any psychotic
Cure Pain-Induced Insomnia
Cannabidiol targets different receptors in the pain perception pathway. It interacts with
serotonin, adenosine, and CB1 receptors to reduce pain sensation and mask pain perception.
Researches using rodents submitted to pain through tail-flick or paw pressure show that
analgesic properties of CBD ease nociceptive stress.
CBD metabolites facilitate the reuptake of adenosine, thereby increasing brain adenosine
levels. These effects, in turn, lower pain perception. In addition, cannabidiol activates TRPV1
receptors to block pain signals from reaching processing centers in the brain; this relieves pain
and inflammation.
Antioxidant properties of anandamide and other CBD metabolites reduce cellular oxidative
stress by binding and eliminating free radicals. Consequently, reducing free radicals lowers the
chances of developing tumors and stops inflammation, thus helpful in treating neuropathies.
In patient-based research, adult patients with non-chronic cancer and neuropathic pain
reported pain relief after treatment with THC: CBD extracts. One can achieve this summative
effect by using full-spectrum CBD oil that contains THC in low levels that do not cause
Pain causes discomfort that can deprive you of sleep, and those living with chronic pain are
likely to suffer from insomnia. Instead of using artificial medications like opioids that cause
addiction and other side effects, one can choose a natural alternative like cannabidiol.
CBD Oil: Forms and Usage
CBD exists in isolate, full-spectrum, and broad-spectrum varieties. The isolate consists of pure
cannabidiol; the broad spectrum has terpenes and flavonoids in addition to CBD, while the full
spectrum has all these components and 0.3 % THC. Most people do not prefer the full-spectrum
due to its THC contents, but one should know that these levels do not affect your body.
There are various methods of using CBD oil, and depending on your preferences, you can add it
to your food or put a few drops under your tongue. The dosage depends on the intended use
and its effectiveness.
CBD oil for insomnia is probably the safest way to regain standard sleep patterns. However, one
should take caution as inappropriate use may lead to loss of appetite, dry mouth, and fatigue.
Always make sure you buy CBD from licensed vendors to avoid sub-standard products.