Pressing Small Amounts of Hash
Marijuana Horticulture
by Jorge Cervantes
By hand pressing, you experience the transformation of the resin powder into your very own piece of fragrant, dense hash.
To hand press, collect one t fur grams of resin powder in the palm of your hand and apply pressure to the powder, working it between your palms full of resin powder to work it into a piece of hash. Continue this process for 10-30 minutes until the piece of hash is completely pliable and whole. Heat will be generated and hep rupture and meld the resin glands together. Relatively pure resin powder will congeal faster than less potent powders will congeal faster than less potent powders that contain impurities. But a little vegetable matter and debris gives hash different flavors and more body.
Potent resin powder is a creamy white to gold in color. Pressing the powder together and working it in your hands ruptures and oxidizes resin glands, which makes the mass turn ever darker.