Marijuana Horticulture
by Jorge Cervantes
Leafhoppers include many small, 0.125 inch long, wedge shaped insects that are usually green, white or yellow. Many species have minute stripes on wings and bodies. Their wings peak like roof rafters when not in use. Leafhoppers suck plant sap for food and exude sticky honeydew as a by-product. Spittlebug and leafhopper larvae wrap themselves in foliage, and envelop themselves in a saliva-like liquid, plant sap.
Stippling (spotting) similar to that caused by spider mites and thrips on foliage. Leaves and plant lose vigor, and in severe cases death could result.
Cultural and physical control
Cleanliness! Black light traps are attractive to potato beetles.
The fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae, is commercially available under the trade name Metaquino.
Pyrethrum, rotenone, sabadilla.