Marijuana Horticulture
by Jorge Cervantes
Ingredients – Quassia is made from a subtropical South American tree, Quassia amara, and the tree-of-heaven, Ailanthus altissima.
Controls – Soft bodied insects including aphids, leaf miners, and some caterpillars.
Mixing – Available in the form of bark, wood chips, and shavings. Soak 6 ounces of chips per gallon of water for 24 hours. Afterward, boil for two hours. Add a potassium based soap to increase effectiveness. Strain and col before spraying.
Application – Spray on foliage until saturated.
Persistence – Two to five days on the surface of plants.
Forms – Bark, wood chips, and shavings.
Toxicity – Safe for mammals and possibly beneficials.
Safety – Wear a mask and gloves.