Marijuana Horticulture
by Jorge Cervantes
Trichoderma are fungi that colonize in the root zone, crowding out negative fungi and microorganisms while stimulating root development and resistance to environmental stress. The result is a more vibrant, stronger plant.
Canna was the first company in the indoor grow industry to sell a commercial product as a growth promoter which contains Trichoderma fungi. Colorado State University studies indicate that Promot Plus, a product containing Trichoderma, is effective in suppressing pathogenic fungi that cause rot in the seeds, roots, and stems.
The product can be applied to seeds, used during transplanting, mixed with liquid fertilizer or via drip irrigation and / or watered in. Canna’s Trichoderma contains living organisms that will reproduce after application, so a small amount will do a lot. It is nontoxic and environmentally safe.