PAR and Light Spectrum
Marijuana Horticulture
by Jorge Cervantes
Plants need and use only certain portions of the light spectrum. The most important colors in the spectrum for maximum chlorophyll production and photosynthetic response are in the blue and red range. The main portion of light used by plants is between 400 and 700 nanometers. This region is called the Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) zone.
“PAR watts” is the measure of the actual amount of specific photons a plant needs to grow. Photons are a measure of light energy. Light energy is radiated and assimilated in photons. Photosynthesis is necessary for plants to grow and is activated by the assimilation of photons. Blue photons are worth more PAR watts than red photons, but scientists have difficulty measuring the exact difference.
Each color of light activates different plant functions. Positive tropism, the plant’s ability to orient leaves towards light, is controlled by spectrum. Light bulbs deliver only a part of the necessary light marijuana needs to grow. However, they deliver enough! Most of marijuana’s light needs can be met by artificial means.