Marijuana Horticulture
by Jorge Cervantes
The calendar starts on January 1st and is only three months long. To weeks for clones to stick (root), two weeks of vegetative growth, and eight weeks of flowering. This indoor calendar can be started any day of the year, no matter which direction the wind is blowing or what the weatherman says.
If the garden is full of clones grown with CO2 enrichment or hydroponically, the calendar could move up one week, depending on how fast the garden grows. Remember, light intensity substantially diminishes over four feet away from the bulb.
First Month
January 1st, First Week
Take clones and root clones. They root in 1-4 weeks. Sow seeds. Make sure they are warm fr speedy germination.
Mix dolomite lime into soil before plating.
Prepare grow room.
Set timer for 18 hour days and 6 hour nights.
January 15th, Third Week
Make sure the vegetative room is perfect before bringing in the clones.
Move in rooted clones or sprouted seedlings, place 24-36 inches under HID. Keep soil surface moist.
Fertilize seedlings and clones. Use an ALL PURPOSE fertilizer. Start regular fertilization schedule.
Special care should be given to soil. Moisture damping off and dry soil pockets could stunt plants now!
Second Month
February 1st, Fifth Week
Vegetative plants should be 6-12 inches tall with broad, firm, green leaves.
Continue regular supplemental fertilization program.
Move HID 12-36 inches above month old seedlings and clones.
Thin and transplant seedlings into larger pots.
Irrigate as needed.
February 15th, Seventh Week
Move vegetative clones into 12 hour flowering room.
Change to super-bloom fertilizer.
Plants should be 12-24 inches tall.
No leaves should be yellowing.If they are, fine tune the weekly checklist.
Over watering is sometimes a problem now. Check the soil with a moisture meter.
Increased air circulation and ventilation are essential.
Mist the garden with water to wash leaves.
Iron, magnesium, and nitrogen deficiencies could show up now.
Supplemental trace element mix should be applied.
Third Month
March 1st, Ninth Week
The plants are two months old and 18-36 inches tall.
Females should dawn white, hair-like pistils.
Male pollen sacks develop. Remove or save males for breeding.
Take clones for the next crop.
If there are any leaves yellowing and drying, fine tune the weekly check list.
Air circulation, ventilation, and relative humidity are very important now!
Leach sil to wash away any excess fertilizer salt residues.
Seedlings only two months ld should be given another month of growth before flowering in induced.
Cloning for sex may now be practiced.
Soil will dry out rapidly now; watch fr dry soil pockets.
Bend and tie plants ver to give garden an even profile.
Prune plants that are shadowing other plants (optional).
Heavily planted rooms should be ready for a second lamp. Add another lamp to increase harvest.
This is the time of peak THC production. During the next one to four weeks, the tops will double in size and potency!
Lower leaves may yellow. If many leaves are yellowing, fine tune the check list.
After fine tuning the checklist, remove yellowing leaves only if they are clearly going to die.
Garden might still be using quite a bot of water; make sure to check it daily of needed.
his is the last chance for spraying and fertilizing, if you pan to harvest within two weeks. If there are any nutrient, fungi, or insect disorders, this is the last chance you will have to use sprays to combat them.
March 15th, Eleventh Week
Tops elongate, making the garden’s prfile about 6-12 inches taller than two weeks ago.
Continue fertilizing with a high bloom fertilizer.
Older leaves may start to drop a little faster, due to decreased nitrogen in the super-bloom fertilizer or if only an HP sodium lamp is used.
Inspect for bud (gray) mold.
Check all factors listed n the checklist.
Buds should be oozing with resin by now.
Some shade-leaf yellowing is normal.
Indica and early maturing buds are nearly ripe now. Harvest if ready.
Water is needed.
No insecticides!
No fungicides!
No fertilizer!
Check for bud blight or bud mold.
Fourth Month
April 1st, Twelfth Week
The only change will be in growth of more and heavier calyxes on the flower buds.
Continue to water as needed.
Bud (gray) mold could become a problem. Constant scrutiny is a must! It shows up overnight, so watch out!
Everything should be ready for harvest by now. If it is not, consider growing an earlier-maturing strain of cannabis.
Harvest now or within a couple of weeks.
THC content is on its way downhill when resin glands turn amber.
Let “seed crops” g until the seeds are big and healthy before harvesting.
Harvest and clean up.
Move in rooted clones for next crop.