Special K
Sagarmatha Seeds
Origins: Slyder x Western Winds
Flowering: 65-75 days
Harvest: early November
Special K is a sativa / indica hybrid of a Haze-influenced pure sativa named Western Winds and an Afghani/Northern Lights indica named Slyder. Western Winds and kali Mist share genetic heritage, while Sagamartha’s Slyder is sibling to Serious Seeds’ Chronic. Taken together, this Haze sativa and Afghani indica merge into a plant that is tall, with large girth and giant calyxes.
While she may seem a little lanky at first, Special K fills out her height and wide-reaching branches with elongated buds for a pleasing yield. Buds are long and skinny thanks to the presence of indica. She was specifically developed for indoor gardens, but can be grown successfully in the milder regions of the U.S.
Special K produces a quick stone that is cerebral with a psychedelic edge. This high often begins with an indica buzz that goes straight to the eyelids. Once the initial sensation equalizes, you may find yourself googly with the trippy, up vibe Special K invites. This high is long lasting and adventureful. Move over Wheaties – wake and bake with a bowl of Special K for the new Breakfast of Champions.